Add a Default Decline to a Well

For new wells without production history, you can quickly add a default decline and then edit the parameters on Predictions | Declines.

To add a default decline

  1. On Predictions | Declines, click the plus sign next to the decline type you want to add.
  2. Click image to expand or minimize.

  3. Edit the Start Date and other parameters as required.
  4. Click the decline name (such as Oil or Gas) to display the decline Calculator where you can add more segments.
  5. Click  to edit or apply the following decline options:
    1. Reserve Life Index
    2. Edit On-Time
    3. Set the Start of Forecast
    4. Best Fit or Refit a Decline from a Point
    5. Recalculate a Group Forecast
    6. Set to Current
    7. Apply P/Z or Volumetrics Volumes
    8. User Options: Units

To change the fields displayed on Predictions |Declines, see Customize Predictions | Declines Fields.